Board Certification
Dr. Buoncristiani is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics. Being a Diplomate means that he is "Board Certified" in this specialty of dentistry.
Upon graduation from an Endodontic residency program, graduates receive a certificate which allows them to declare their Endodontic specialty. Most of today’s graduating Endodontists will also likely be "board eligible" which means that they are qualified to pursue board certification. However, to become a Diplomate, one must:
- Pass the Board's written examination of endodontic science and literature.
- Accumulate and present a detailed treatment portfolio of their own endodontic cases that demonstrate expert technical ability and judgement across a variety of different cases.
- Pass a series of oral examinations given by a panel of board examiners.
Endodontists are not required to become board certified, and only about 20% make the extra commitment to become so. This commitment required to become a Diplomate is significant, and takes between 2-8 years of additional work beyond Endodontic residency to complete. It is the highest credential that Endodontists can achieve, and represents a strong personal dedication to continued excellence within the specialty.